Please see the below criteria to help you complete your entry.
Before starting to complete an entry please make sure you have taken some time to read through the entry criteria for each category listed on the categories page of this website. This online entry form offers you the opportunity to save and come back to your entry and make any necessary changes before final submission.
You will also need to take the following points into consideration when submitting your entry.
You must be a LARAC member to submit an award entry
You may enter more than one category but each individual entry can only be submitted for a maximum of two categories
750 word summary with supporting information about how the entrant(s) have achieved their success for each entry. Please note, the word limit for the entry summary is strictly 750 words.
All award categories are open to local authority officers within the UK. It is accepted that job titles vary across councils and the job title does not need to contain “recycling” in it.
We only accept supporting material in the Communications Category for the LARAC Awards and this should be collated into 1 document, maximum of
6 pages long.
Entries should generally cover the 12 month period from June 2022 - July 2023.